Things That May Prevent Your Pontiac, MI Home From Flooding thumbnail

Things That May Prevent Your Pontiac, MI Home From Flooding

Published Feb 07, 25
3 min read
Carpet Flood Damage in Pontiac, MICarpet Flood Damage in Pontiac, MI

The last thing anybody wants to deal with is the aftermath of a flooded home. However, sometimes, there just isn't anything that anyone can do to stop downpours from wreaking havoc on an area.

Then again, the melting of snow and ice after winter storms can often be to blame for flooding too. Even though homeowners won't be able to stop every flood, they owe it to themselves and their houses to try.

Flood Cleanup Estimate in Pontiac, MIFlood Repair Service in Pontiac, MI

We also get it, though, and understand that not every flood can be avoided - Learn more. Hence, if you find yourself in need of flood damage cleanup and restoration services, don't hesitate to give us a call day or night

With us, you'll get the benefit of our emergency response services—24 hours a day and 7-days per week. Even on holidays, you'll be able to get in touch with a project manager if necessary. Since you now know who to contact when flood disasters strike.

Let's Look at Some Proven Flood Prevention Strategies

Invest In Sandbags

Sandbags can serve as the last line of defense against rising floodwaters. They'll require you to do some prepping, though. Thus, you'll need to get going and done setting them up before things get too bad. The bags will need to be filled with sand. They will also have to be stacked around the perimeter of the home, creating a barrier between it and the water.

Of course, if the water gets too deep, the sandbags probably won't be able to keep it out of your house, but in most cases, they could be just what the doctor ordered to stop floods in their tracks. (Get the best on-call flood removal service in Pontiac)

Install Gutters, Gutter Guards, Downspouts, And Area Drains

Flood Damage Repair Costs in Pontiac, MIRestoration Flood Damage Estimate in Pontiac, MI

If you want to ensure your yard doesn't flood because of every little thunderstorm, you'll need to take measures to divert the rain elsewhere. Failing to do that will leave it landing directly on the lawn beneath the roof's edge. However, gutters, downspouts, and area drains are designed to catch that water and divert it to another location. It often drains into a street or ditch and flows away from the property. But if those places are flooded, and there is nowhere for the liquid to go, flooding is still possible with these preventative measures.

Place Mulch In Different Places Around The Yard

Mulch should definitely go inside flowerbeds and gardens. It protects the soil and keeps it where it belongs. Plus, the mulching will protect plant root systems. It holds onto rainwater well and can keep unwanted rainwater away from your structure.

To save money, you can install the mulch in your flowerbeds and garden yourself. A do-it-yourself approach should lead to savings, but your body will probably have some wear and tear on it after the project is over. Of course, you can also hire a professional landscape crew to tackle the venture. The choice is yours.

Hire a Professional Flood Damage Repair Service in Pontiac, MI

With any luck, these ideas will help you keep water out of your home. Call for after hours flood damage restoration and repair in Pontiac, MI. However, if not, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team will clean everything up and have it good as new in a jiffy. Give our office a call to schedule service today